Legacy Moving & Storage Packing
Moving into a new home can be difficult and expensive. Whether you are just starting out with minimal items, or have to move an entire household from one place to another, it pays to have Legacy Moving and Storage to rely on for getting the job done as simply as possible.

Packing Tips & Easy Loading Suggestions
Our purpose, at Legacy Moving and Storage, is to make your move easier. Of course, you may choose to prepare before you arrange for our moving services. We offer the following tips and suggestions—a bit of our expertise—to help you avoid damage to your belongings and help make your move go a little faster and efficiently.
What to Pack:
- Consider donating any items you will not move to your new location.
- Create a checklist of items you will need during your move.
- Do not pack any non-allowable items, such as perishables or flammables. See section on non-allowable items for more information.
- Keep personal items, such as medications, with you.
- Pack non-essential items first.
How to Pack:
- Clearly label all boxes with contents or room.
- Label and keep bags together containing loose pieces, such as furniture screws.
- Place heavy items at the bottoms of boxes
- Use packing tape for extra strength, sealing, and support.
- Wrap fragile items in cloth or quality newsprint, and keep separate from heavy items.
DIY Loading:
- Use blankets to cushion unpackaged items, such as furniture, mirrors, etc.
- Use a partner when lifting heavy boxes.
- Load heavy items and non-essentials first.
- Fill the floor of moving unit before stacking boxes or items.
- Ensure that unpackaged items are secured using cords or rope.
Reminder About Forgotten Items
Every move is different; however, there can be some important things you may not want to forget or leave behind in the process. We hope this quick list of ten items will remind you to take care of them:
- Family Records – medical records, for family and pets; prescriptions to transfer to a new drugstore in another town; school records for children.
- Treasures – whether it is jewelry or anything valuable you may have stashed around the house, keep them in a safe deposit or lockbox to take with you among your personal items not packed on the moving van.
- Old Phone Numbers – bring any old phone books from your current residence to take with you. You may find that you need an important number or two that you have jotted down somewhere that may not be in your cell phone.
- New Address – keep your new address handy in your pocket or purse to take with you, so you can forward mail or use it to keep in touch with friends.
- Dry Cleaners – a reminder to retrieve any items that may be out being cleaned, restored, or repaired (clothing, shoes, watches, instruments); also to return library books, rented movies, or other items you have borrowed.
- Cleaning – keep cleaning supplies handy for the final once-over before closing up the door one last time—or, to make arrangements in advance for a cleaning service to clean for you. To reduce the amount of things being moved, use up previously purchased cleaning products then throw away the empty containers as you leave.
- Openers/Remotes – be sure to leave any garage door openers or alarm codes for the new residents before you go.
- Pets – ensure the care and comfort of your pets during the move by making arrangements for their safe transfer. Moving companies cannot transport animals or plants.
- Banking – opening an account in your new town about a month prior to your move can be a proactive way to ensure that you have immediate access to your funds. This gives you the ability to pay for unexpected expenses, as some retailers may decline checks that are from out of state.
- Keys – one of the last things is to collect any spare house keys that you may have left with a trusted neighbor, friend, or hid under a mat or in a key box.
Non-Allowable Items – Read Before Packing!
It is important to know some of the things we are not able to transport, in addition to those we recommend you transport on your own. This section is provided to ensure your own safety as well as the safety of our staff:
Hazardous Materials
We are unable to ship items that contain hazardous materials. An item that can be considered explosive or flammable is not allowed. Any caustic materials, such as car batteries, heavy-duty cleaning solvents are not allowed. If you have any questions before planning your move or packing your items, please speak with one of our transport coordinators to make sure we are able to move all of your belongings.
Perishable Goods
Food items that require refrigeration and living things, such as pets, are also not allowed in the moving truck. We prohibit this because we cannot guarantee that such items will remain fresh or living during the moving process. In some cases, such as in moves that are less than 150 miles, special accommodations may be made to transport certain perishable items. We ask that you speak with our transport coordinator when planning and in advance of any packing. Another suggestion is to be sure all refrigerators being moved are emptied and left open for at least 24 hours prior to your move.
Irreplaceable Items
Important documents and family heirlooms are just some examples of what may be called irreplaceable items, and it is our recommendation that you keep any items such as these with you during the move. For your health and safety, we also recommend keeping any medications, prescriptions, or other personal items with you so you have access to them during your move. While we offer protection plans for loss or damage, it is best to have important items with you for safekeeping, in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.
For Military Moves
The SDCC publishes guidelines specific to military moves in its pamphlet entitled, “It’s Your Move.” Refer to Chapter Two for more details.
Any additional questions or concerns about what can and cannot be transported
may be reviewed with our friendly and knowledgeable staff.